Good luck! I wish there was an app that you could log ALL media. I find good reads too annoying to use.

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Aha. 1. Deltora Quest is great. 2. Harry Potter is GOAT. 3. very funny about Mr Beast referencing Squid Game when Squid Games point is why this is not the best.

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I read Deltora Quest from when I was in primary school, and from what I remember of them I enjoyed the series! I think they were some of the first fantasy books I read, before getting into Tamora Pierce when I was a bit older.

I also understand the anxiety about how platforms like Goodreads track your reading/watching/listening and the fear of being judged about what is appears on them (looking at you, Spotify Wrapped). But it's good to hear that Goodreads, like other platforms, has a way to choose what does and doesn't get counted towards your statistics.

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